We are
Everyday Heroes.

We make it possible for everyone who wants to work and can work to work. One needs a helping hand, the other is in need of something extra. That idea of ​​reciprocity is Everyday Heroes. An organization or an individual buys a Power Certificate and these funds finance the last step towards work. Such as training, guidance or a bicycle.


Our method

Everyday Heroes works with Power Certificates. Organizations and individuals buy certificates and help people find a job, a future, a place in society. Funds from certificates are used to remove the last obstacles on the way to work. Each certificate is linked to a job.


Jobcoaches and supervisors apply for funds from certificates for candidates to obtain that one contract or to take a next step in an existing job.

For example :
• Guidance of the candidate
• (Professional) education or training
• Workplace adjustment
• Travelcosts or an (electric) bicycle
• Tools

The inclusive labormarket

The whitepaper "Durf & daadkracht" and the additional trendreport provide an overview of what is needed for an inclusive society. Only by helping each other, speaking to a specific strength and skill, can we make change together.

The papers can be downloaded in Dutch.

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Decent work and economic growth

Everyday Heroes commits to the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, we work towards achieving goal 8: Decent work and economic growth. Our work focuses on targets 8.5, 8.6, and 8.8.

We partner with

See some of our success stories