
25 year old Nick from Haarlem still lives at his parents and has a gilrfriend who makes him very happy. He loves to work with cars. Since he was a child he helped his father tinkering old and  repairing damaged cars.

During his school he completed his internships at garages and car damage companies and  learned a lot. Nick currently works  at car repair company, Hogenboom, a small company, but that’s what Nick prefers. His colleagues are happy with him and Nick with them. The company Hogenboom even would like to offer him a contract for an indefinite period.

There’s only one problem. Nick has problems with the high pace of work. Therefor he would like  to take extra practical lessons so he has more technical knowledge to increase the quality of his work. The theoretical part of the training is going well and Nick can’t wait to get started with the practical lessons. Because of the Power Certificate of Isbank Nick can follow these practical lessons. Thanks to this training Nick can work for indefinite time at Hogenboom and maybe even continue his education. He is a happy man.


Power Certificaat



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