Dano follows practical education at the Fioretti College in Veghel. In consultation with the parents and the companies involved, it was decided to make a special program. Through this way of teaching, you learn by working in stead of sitting in the school desks; an ideal program for Dano.
Thanks to Fioretti College, Dano was soon able to do an internship at 'Van der Linden Grondverzet'. Grondverzet ensures that the amount of soil for an excavation or embankment is moved, so that a road or construction can be built. This internship went very well. Dano also obtained his tractor driving license in his own time in order to be able to drive the large machines. Only without a VCA (Safety, health and environment Checklist Contractors) it is difficult to be able to participate in different projects.
Because Dano doesn't learn that easy, it’s important to learn for his VCA in a small setting. Thanks to Afa Dispensing's Power Certificate, this has been achieved and he can take a big step at Van der Linden Grondverzet. That starts with getting an annual contract!
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