Kamil is 20 years old and has worked for a German logistics company for some time. He likes to work there and is getting more contact and trust from his colleagues. Kamil is learning a lot of social skills, not all of which can be trained in school and he has grown from a shy boy to a more open young man.
In addition, it is important for Kamil to work so that he becomes independent, earns his own wages, is meaningful in society and comes among people. His personal development is important, he learns to deal with an employer and he has a structured weekly schedule.
Because many German colleagues work within the company, it is sometimes difficult for Kamil to understand instructions or to ask for something. Now, Kamil's jobcoach has seached for a German teacher to teach him the language so he can feel more confident, communicate more easily, and thus keep working. Thanks to the Power Certificate from Zuyderland and Afa Dispensing, Kamil can start working with this teacher after the holidays.
Kamil: "I enjoy taking German lessons, I hope to be able to talk to my colleagues better after following the lessons."
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