
Rick works at Stryker for two years. He has worked in several departments, but he has currently mastering the 'tubes' department. He ensures that everything runs smoothly within his department. Rick coaching was previously funded by municipal funds, but unfortunately this hasd ended. However, the guidance question remains.

Sometimes he still struggles with the responsibility that comes with his job. He aims to bear all responsibility independently without supervision. Forta4u supports him in achieving this goal and continues to provide Rick with the guidance he needs in the background.

Thanks to the Power Certificate of Afa Dispensing and Proact, Rick could get the much needed coaching of Forta4 U, which whom he feels comfortable. The employer is also pleased with the supervision of Forta4u and spends a lot of time with the jobcoach to let Rick, but also other young people with a distance to the labor market, work as independently as possible.

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