Triodos contributes to an inclusive workforce

Triodos Bank and Triodos Investment Management (Triodos) are committed to a stable financial system: stable prices, solid financial institutions and well-functioning payment systems. In all its tasks, Triodos fulfills its mission: working on trust. In order to properly fulfill its tasks, Triodos strives for a diverse employee base and pays a lot of attention to the training and development of employees. Triodos also looks at how it can make a positive contribution to society. Triodos believes it is important that people in a vulnerable position have more opportunities on the labour market and more opportunities to find a job. A job that really suits and where people can develop. Triodos does this in its own organization, but also outside it.

Triodos works together with Everyday Heroes

Triodos supports Everyday Heroes to bring more and better jobs within reach of people in a vulnerable position. This fits in with Triodos' CSR policy. With financial support, Triodos helps candidates remove the last obstacles in their search for work in which people can develop. In this way, Triodos helps society with an even more colourful palette. Because diversity is healthy and if more people can participate even better, we will all become more resilient.